Tuesday, January 17, 2012

oh 2012 you are here!

Well 2012 has arrived and I have set some goals this year that I hope to accomplish.....hopefully I can finally stick to my blog..

Goals for 2012
1. Lose 10 lbs (which I have yet to start) food is just oh so good and well I just haven't had time to start but I am eating smaller portions if that counts!
2. Tone- post pregnancy left some extra skin in  my mid section and well I intend to get rid of it.. tone my arms which have always just been an issue for me grrr!
3. Buy a house
4. Save $$$$$ (leads to me buying a house)
5. Go on a vacation...I need one ASAP!
6. Plan Layla's birthday ahead of schedule so I am not running around at the last minute ( Already bought the plates and napkins with my Party City coupon)
7. Be more organized.....my mind is scattered the majority of the time and my husband says its a miracle I haven't lost Layla yet... my house is scattered.... I am just always always in a rush and everything gets stuffed in random places
8. Stay in contact with friend! I have been very guilty of neglecting friends lately.. I suck at it ...life just gets so busy that I forget to pick up the phone just to say Hi...I shall work on this
9. Take my oral test and my PPC test for my teaching degree... This has to be done... I want so bad to start teaching again.......... 
10. Become a more educated person.....educated in my faith... on mama issues... get into grad school... and just learn about what the world has to offer 

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