Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Today marks my 2nd anniversary with my sweet hubby!!! 2 years ago today I decided to marry my best friend. I am blessed to have him in my life ...forever thankful and grateful to God for placing him in my life. He has not only been a great hubby but an amazing father to our baby girl. He has taken care of me since day 1 and post pregnancy he has been nonstop taking care of his girls. Layla adores him I can already tell she is such a daddy's girl. Thank you for your patience, respect, your kind heart but most of all thank you for the love you have given me. I look forward to growing old with you thank you for these past 2 years...thank you for my beautiful daughter. Thank you for choosing me! I love you!

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Seriously 3 weeks?!?!

Seriously.....has it really been 3 weeks already since I had my precious baby girl... time sure is flying by and I am taking in every moment with my angel. It's amazing the instant love you have for your children. I remember looking at her for the first time and just couldn't believe she was mine, I instantly fell in love with the little person my husband and I created. The relief look on my face when I heard her cry for the first time and a flutter of emotions that I didn't know if I should cry or jump for joy (not easy seeing as though she was delivered cesarian).  Well after 3 weeks of getting to know my sweet Layla this is what we have learned so far!

1. She hates being hungry! Mommy feed me and feed me now!!!
2. Diaper changes in the middle of the night make her angry!! Could we hurry it up there mom!!
3. She sleeps during the day and prefers to be awake at night... this is a work in progress...mommy gets no sleep!
4. She likes her pink paci and doesn't like it when it falls out of her mouth!! She is no to fond of her Titans paci daddy!
5. She enjoys baths.. they make her happy :)
6. She hates when she has to pass gas and she can't...although when she does she has no shame in her
7. She loves to be held...aaaand she loves to sleep on our chest.
8. She is great at holding her head up..loves to look around (wants to be in the action) we just gotta work on easing our head back down. Right now it's more of like a crash into the shoulders
9. She has found her fingers and sucks on them...the signal for hurry up and get the bottle ready I'm about to cry!
10.  She hates her mittens...she pulls them off literally she really does...she likes to know that she can put her hand in her mouth without a mitten getting in the way!

Layla- 3 weeks

Sleeping-  You wake up about every 2-3 hours during the will stay awake for about 30 - 45 min then it's mimi time..During the nights you sleep for about 2-3 hrs on a good night..if not its about 30 min mimi time...and you want to be held if you do go to sleep..

Feeding- Eating about every 2-3 hours 3 oz each time..mama is breastfeeding but you fall asleep and when i try to wake you up you freak out and you will have none of this nonsense..I refuse to give up as long as you are latching..bc when you do its for a good 10 min on each side!

Diaper Size-  Newborns please!

Routine- Very punctual for your 5 am feeding..burp..sleep..wake up around 8 and repeat.. up around 11 and we do some tummy time if you are up for it..if not we and sleep..wake up around 2ish...and we bath and get you all nice and stay awake for 30 -45 min and we look around and talk.. then around 6ish daddy gets home you two play together..and you eat and sleep and around 10ish it's mimi time..

Clothes Size- Newborn still and some of it is still oh so big..

Height- At birth: 20 inches
               1 week: 20 inches

Weight- At birth: 7lbs 2oz
                1 week: 7lbs

Eye Color-  Brown

Hair Color- Brown

Nicknames- Lily,Princess, Princesa,Baby girl, Chiquita,Marie, Baby Layla

Funniest Moments- The look of accomplishment you give me when you are done going poopies...It's like you say oh new diaper.. poopies..and here goes some i still wasn't done putting on the new! When mama and daddy bathed you for the first time you poopied on mama! lol... Good stuff layla!!

Milestones- You hold your head up well.. and tummy time was a success once..(haha) Like a big girl you waited for mommy in the crib without crying while she got ready for her birthday!! you rock!!


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